Service Fees

(With effective from June 03rd, 2024)


1. Commission fee is calculated base on total transaction value of each investor in 01 trading day, including buy and sell securites transaction.

2. Commission fee is applied for both matching and negotiation transaction.

3. TCSC reserves the right to change all numbers above without prior to notice to the client.

1 Open trading account Free
2 Deposit required to maintain the trading account    No requirement
3 Stock/investment fund certificates/Covered warrant/Bonds Commission fee
Trading value ≤ VND 300 million 0.25%
Trading value > VND 300 million  and ≤ VND 700 million    0.20%
Trading value > VND 700 million 0.15%
Or placing trading order via Internet  (TCiPro / TCiSmart)   
  Corporate Bonds (Private issuance) 0.10%
  Other Bonds 0.02%
4 Custodian fee     
  Share, fund certificate, covered warrant 0.3 VND/securities/month
  Bonds 0.2 VND/bond/month
5 Issuing/changing TCSC’s Share certificate 50,000/Share Cert.
6 Cash advance (Min VND 30,000/time)    12.75%p.a
7 Overdue Interest rate    18.00%p.a
8 Non-term deposit interest    0.1%p.a
9 Transfer securities from TCSC to other securities companies at the request of customers (applicable to all accounts 1 VND/share, fund certificate, covered warrant.
  • Min: 100,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
  • Max: 2,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
10 Get a new trading code or revoke issued trading code 500,000 VND/file
11 Receive securities transfer from other securities companies Free
12 Transfer of ownership not through the trading system of the Stock Exchange  
12.1 Founding shareholders are in the time of transfer restriction in accordance with law
1 VND/share, fund certificate, covered warrant (Excluding VSD fee).
- Min: 1,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
- Max: 10,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
12.2 Transfer of listed securities/registered transactions approved by the State Securities Commission 1 VND/share, fund certificate, covered warrant (Excluding VSD fee).
- Min: 1,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
​- Max: 10,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
12.3 Transfer of securities ownership (applicable to both transferor and transferee) of public companies registered at VSD but not yet, no listing or transaction registration on Stock Exchanges
0.1% transfer value for stocks, fund certificate (Excluding VSD fee).
  • Min: 100,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
  • Max: 10,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
12.4 Transfer of securities ownership due to division, separation, merger, consolidation, capital contribution by shares to establish enterprises under the provisions of the Civil Law, Enterprise Law and Securities Law 1 VND/share, fund certificate, covered warrant (Excluding VSD fee)
- Min: 5,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
- Max: 10,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
12.5 Transfer of securities ownership (applicable to both transferor and transferee) in cases of giving, giving, inheriting between spouses, between fathers and mothers and children and adopted fathers , the adoptive mother with adopted children, between the father-in-law, the mother in-law and the daughter-in-law, between the father-in-law, the mother-in-law and the son-in law, between grandfather and grandmother with grandchildren, grandfather, grandmother with grandchildren, between brother and sister intestine together. 1 VND/share, fund certificate, covered warrant (Excluding VSD fee)
- Min: 1,000,000 VND/1 time
- Max: 5,000,000 VND/1 time
12.6 Transfer of ownership due to the implementation of a public bid (Including VSD fee and excluding information disclosure fee) 0.15% / transfer value for stocks
13 Stock withdrawal 01 VND/share, fund certificate
- Min: 1,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
- Max: 5,000,000 VND/1 time/1 stock code
14 Blockage and clearance and management of mortgage securities (excluding fees at VSD)
Charges apply for each time when the blockade arises (no fee is charged for liquidated securities):
0.3% of transaction value (according to par value)
- Min: 500,000 VND/time.
- Max: 2,000,000 VND/time.
15 Transfer of additional subscription rights
- Same company: 50,000 VND /file
- Other companies: 100,000 VND /file
16 Provide documents with TCSC seal  
16.1 Cash/securities transaction statement - 2,000 VND/page
- Min 20,000 VND/statement time
16.2 Confirmation of securities balance/ex-rights balance/debt/ transaction fee/ securities trading results (excluding audit purposes) - 20,000 VND/ first copy
- Subsequent copies/copy 10,000 VND/copy
16.3 Confirm the balance according to the customer's sample and TCSC confirm the data - 50,000 VND/time
- Max: 02 copies/time
16.4 Confirmation of Professional Securities Investor 300,000 VND/copy



 bieu phi dich vu


Interest rate and loan term
(With effective from Jul. 15th, 2024)

  • Interest rate: 12.75% p.a (Apply for all new loans and disbursed loans)
  • Loan term:
+ Not exceed three (03) months from the date of disbursement of the loan.
+ The loan may be extended for no more than 03 months.
+ Renewal fee: 0.3% Extended debt value​
From the time the loan(s) are extended, interest is calculated on (i) Original Loan and/or (ii) Loan Interest (not be paid yet).

List of marginable stocks
(With effective from April 4th, 2024)

List of marginable stocks (Click to download)

Maintenance Margin Requirement and Margin Call/Force
(With effective from Dec. 25th, 2023)

  • Margin Call rate: 35%
  • Margin Force rate: 25%.
  • When margin ratio hits Call/Force margin rate, TCSC will issue notice to customers, including but not limited to telephone, email, SMS, .... The customer is obliged to pay additional money or sell the securities in your account to give account of safety status.


In TCSC, customer’s satisfaction is the priority for all activities and services of the Company


We stimulate our staff to work in teams, the final results will reaped the fruit of each labor of teams will be also the achievements of each member. The contribution and cooperation of each member will create the strength of the whole company.


We encourages employees to share their opinions, information and experience to get the highest efficiency in their work.


Our success depends on the balance of satisfying the reasonable benefits of customers and employees. It requires the wholehearted cooperation of all Company’s members.


We also focus on improving and enhancing the professionalism of staff in order to reach the target of the Company’s sustainable development.

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